Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Female Chaffinch Posing

Thank you so much everyone for your overwhelming response to the little siskin, delighted to be spotlighted with this one.

Today was a really wild , blustery day. John is still recovering from a bad head cold so Oscar and I had to go walkies without him. Twice today we were caught in a hail storm. Poor Oscar didn't know what had hit him . At one point I just had to turn my back on the storm amd stand still as did Oscar . The poor dog was cowering into my legs to get away from the ferocious hail stones which whipped at us and bit into us. Fortunately , the second time we were just going in the drive when the storm began so we raced back in to the warmth and shelter of the house.

Today's shots were taken from our cosy lounge window. No siskns today just blue tits , one great tit and lots of chaffinches. I really liked the way the light was catching this wee chaffinch from behind, hope you do too.

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