Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

long, long day!

pre op checks in Oxford today, ENT in the West Wing and ward bit in the childrens hospital, both in the new building at the John Radcliffe. I say new building, it was when we were first there. We watched it being built while we were having fertility treatment at the JR and then when Alfie was about 5 weeks old it became our home for 7 weeks just after it opened. Everything was very shiney and new :-).

We also have to go up every 3 months for him to have renal scans. Recently we have spent more time in ENT in the West Wing. Today was a spectacular waste of a day!!!

We left home at 10.30 to pick paperwork up from the GP, got there at 11.45 for our 12pm appointment, nothing happened until 2pm when we were told we weren't needed in that area!!!!

When we were in last time some of the pre op check was done by a baby doctor, very young and inexperienced, didn't listen to his consultant or the patient (well his mother!). We double checked before we went up as to whether we needed to do the full appointment, no were told but aparently they didn't tell ENT that until after we had been there for hours and then the baby doc (who had seen go through the department when we arrived thought to tell the other perky ponytailed baby doc that we didn't need seeing and go the ward.

Have they never heard of post its, that would have saved a lot of time, tmeper and a banging headache!!! Just put a note on saying pre op checks done go straight to ward. Simple huh?

Ward bit took about 3/4 hour including waiting time, to weigh him and take a swab. Could have done that at home, not like we needed familiarising with the pigging hospital or even the ward he will be on. It is the ward he wenr blue on, had the whole crash team and and ended up in PICU for what was meant be 24 hours and became 10 days. I eneded up feeling really awful, one thing going in for scans another to actually be on the ward, brought back to many memories.

Felt totally shattered by the time we got back and Alfie and went up to bed, he slept and I watched tv and got the most amazing phonecall which I have been sworn to secrecy on.....

He fell asleep at about 5pm and didn't wake up until this morning he was that tired by the whole day, missed tea and everything. His terrible breathing reminded me why we are doing this.

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