Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


Sorry about this! An emergency blip as I just couldn't think of anything else to do! I tried to do a bird on my way to work but the birds were having other ideas. I stopped at my Dad's on the way to work and it was a beautiful sunny afternoon. I saw a lovely bluetit on his birdfeeder but when I'd fetched my camera and opened the door all the birds had scarpered! I waited about 5 mins but they could see me and were hiding in a neighbouring tree. I could only wait 2 more mins or I'd be late for work and a green bird (sorry I'm not an ornothologist!) landed by the bird feeder. I just located it in the viewfinder and was focussing the camera when the little blighter flew away!!! So no bird today but I will return when I've got more time and I will get a shot of a bird!

Apart from that just a normal day - housework/working from home this morning, tutoring this afternoon, with children this Monday (see last Monday's entry!), and then home for tea, Emmerdale and verruca treatment. Oh the joys of being a mum! Yes, my youngest son's feet are on top of his duvet waiting for his verruca treatment to dry. But I do think they look a bit cute. I've lightened them a bit to give them a light airy feel. Ok so they're feet but desperate times call for desperate blips!
Enjoy what's left of Monday.

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