My darling girl

My darling girl,
I wish I could make it all better for you
I wish I could make sure you never feel any pain,
I wish I could take your confusion and make it certain
I wish I could always have the answers.
But what I promise you,

My darling girl
I will do everything possible,
I will always fight with all I have,
I will never ever give up
I will tell you the truth, however hard
I promise I will always love you.


16months 13 days

This morning, a lot of vomit. This afternoon, some horrid nappies. But no vomit. All day, a lot of Katie sleeping and nursing, it seems to have helped the vomiting. Maybe we're turning a corner, I hope so.

High points:

* Katie talking a bit again.
* Her asking to go out and then showing interest in the ducks when we were out.

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