
By Poppy

The sea is picking up . . .

All day it's been getting wilder and wilder! It's also been getting colder and colder, and I've lit the fire, but the strength of the wind means that rather than going up the chimney, the smoke is simply belching out into the sitting room, Aaarrrg! Ollie and I went down the field to look at the sea and literally I could hardly stand upright. This is looking over the cliff edge, from the safety of the field!

I've been baking so at least the kitchen is nice and cosy. I've been invited to join the local SWRI (Scottish Womens Rural Institute) and even though I protested that I was far too young, they were keen that I go along tonight for a belated Burns Supper! The competition tonight is for a chocolate cake, so I applied myself to that this afternoon - got to get it iced and decorated now.

Just been told that the schools are all closed tomorrow because of the worsening weather. We've not had any snow yet this winter, so I'm hoping that instead of just wind and rain, there is a nice white coating on everything when I wake in the morning.

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