
By Poppy

Sunrise . . . .

Woke up to the orange and pink of the sky coming through the bedroom curtains. The days are already getting so much longer, and you can feel spring is on its way. Because I've only lived here for a few months I don't know what bulbs are planted in the borders, but there are lots of shoots coming up so it will be quite exciting.

I'm trying not to think about the garden that I had to leave behind, or my greenhouse. It's strange, I am so happy and content now that I hardly miss anything. With the help of counselling and an excellent therapist I am coming to terms with the past, but when I think of the garden and the greenhouse, which were my haven, my sanctuary, mine, I do get a bit sad.

I remember reading years ago that if you were unhappy but carried on doing the same things, the same way, how could you expect anything to improve? You had to alter your behaviour in order to improve the outcome. It took me a long time, but it finally sunk in!

My brother, who lives in Madrid and I hardly ever see, was on the phone the other night and remarked that I even sounded younger! Perhaps as he had just had his 50th birthday he was realising that I wan't all that old after all!

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