Journey Through Time

By Sue

Birthday Celebration

My birthday was last Tuesday, March 1. We celebrated my new age today. My husband got me a little cake and some primroses and two funny cards, because he couldn't decide which one he liked, so he got both of them. Auntie gave me a lovely purse, and some wooden spoons/spatula set and a gift certificate and son gave me stylus pen to use with the iPad. It was very nice of them to treat me to these nice things. We went out for Chinese food, which was delicious, and then home.

I can't believe I am this old!! But since neither one of my parents got close to being 65, I shall celebrate each day I have. But as a Baby Boomer and part of the chosen generation, I protest!! Perhaps I shall stage a sit-in. Or a million Baby Boomer march on Washington. We were supposed to remain forever young. I have no idea what happened.

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