All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The blood transfusion

Hubbie had to work overtime today, so Granny, Grandpa, Ethan and I went in to Edinburgh to visit Foreveryoung and Baby Foreveryoung in hospital. She is very fortunate to be in a single room rather than a ward, which is not only great for her, but makes visiting times much easier too! Unfortunately Ethan isn't actually allowed on the ward as he's not a sibling, so we took it in turns to wait outside the ward with him.

Foreveryoung is still very tired, sore and not quite right. After having her blood count checked today she was told she needed a blood transfusion. This was done while we were there and she obviously knew how my mind works as she told me I could blip it! Hopefully she'll soon be feeling much better .... well, at least as much as any new mum can be!

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