With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Many small steps

Fueled by a large hotel breakfast we set out for the Science museum. Giant models of DNA, Focault's pendulum and a superhumans section filled the open exhibition area, but we spent hours playing in the hands on light and sound sections, banging tubes, twiddling nobs and making waves. We had to leave the space bit for another visit.

I had the last scrapings of Valencia's sunday paella down at the vast beach and we headed back past the docks and site of the America's cup. Skaters put on a private show for us in the old sheds next to the posh yachts. This part of Valencia is an amazing mixture of faded grandeur, partly revamped for the Cup but still showing signs of a charming kind of decay.

Luck with the brilliant buses brought us back to Hemisferica and a spectacular 3D sea monster dinosaur film and an equally spectacular sunset behind the fabulous buildings.

One small step back to the hotel for a bath and a heart stopping moment when Little Agu looked at the hairdryer and wondered if we could re enact the wave making exhibit. Agggghh! His head was still so full of it all, it's wonderful.

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