With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Fished in

Oceanografic today, with the recyled sculptures almost as wonderful as the real thing. The sharks from the underwater tunnels, belugas, noisy sea lions, jelly fish, eels and starfish kept us going for hours, and we rounded it all off with the Dolphin and diving show.

Our plans to get to the old part of town again for a grown up dinner were shelved for room service and collapse time. It has been a truly wonderful trip, just me and little Agu delighting in each others company (trying not to miss Ben) and exploring. Agu is brilliant at buses, trains, planes, hotels, buffet breakfasts and inventing lift racing games. There was hardly any moaning about having tired feet and I don't think we could have done more with our time at all other than a swim. We love Valencia!

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