The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

"I can see clearly now..."

...Oh, wait. Nasty, tricksy humanses have made the window fuzzy. As if you'd be granted privacy in a household run by cats anyway.

ANOTHER lovely day, hopefully this will be the new norm for a fresh month. Wishful thinking I know, but if it could just hold off for one more day... I'm heading off for a wander round Duthie Park tomorrow with the uni lot. Could learn to enjoy this course yet ;)

Also managed to drive (yes, DRIVE!) myself to the dentist today, found the place no problem.... Hands were shaking a little by the time I switched off the engine but arrived with 10 mins to spare. That's half an hour in dentist chat. The practice we've just switched to is NHS run, but I was feeling particularly vain after seeing a poster on the waiting room noticeboard advertising white fillings (I was booked for a metal one), so I splashed out to keep my pearly whites looking pearly. And, erm... Well, white! :D
The numbing injections took forever to wear out though, during which time I have managed to dribble tea all over myself, and have also chewed an impressive-sized chunk out of my bottom lip. Might be brave and opt for no numbing next time, though hopefully there won't be a next time for a few years yet!

After looking back on this photo I do realise just how much Jack looks like a Fresian cow. The diet is clearly not working, they each get a meagre 25grams of reducing diet food twice a day. They're screaming to be fed by the morning :/

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