Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Shining Down

Random light on campus. The glow around the light is from the rain. Got clearance from a professor to do a final photo project for my gender class. Now I just have to come up with a topic. Presentation on male victimization/prison rape tomorrow morning. *grin* I'm not worried. Otherwise, uneventful day. Was given a sweet website in class, though. It's called GenderAds.com and if you've ever thought ads were gendered, here's plenty of proof.

The girl shook her head. She would never understand people. She took several photos of the homeless man and then sat for a few minutes just observing the people walking by. They did their best to avoid eye contact both with her and with the man sitting by the path. When they failed, the girl made it a point to smile at them. They always smiled back uncertainly then glanced around, searching for something else to look at. She took out her journal.

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