Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Neo being Neo.

It was either this or a blip of a Magpie-Lark, and having seen other people's bird photo's, it had to be Neo.

Anyway, this is Neo sitting in the bin lid.

I'd just washed out the kitchen bin, put the fresh bin liner in, turned around for the lid, and there he was.

Forgot to mention yesterday, whilst at the shops, there was a group of women running a cat rescue, called Little Paws.

These are mostly cats that have problems that they have rescued, or people have handed in.

Anyway, their mascot cat was a Maine Coon. I've never actually seen one of these before. It was huge, made Sophia look tiny. They can weigh up to 12 kg. It looked like a dog.

And no, I didn't blip it. i still haven't got the courage to ask to take photos, yet. Aren't I a wimp.

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