I like
- oats
- lego
- cereal bars
- lindors
- thortons
- flower photos
- sweet food
- cakes
- cereal
- videogames
- retro games
- twister
- running
- type 1 diabetes
- insulin
- mario
- pasta
- parkrun
- sand
- sand dunes
- my house
- hot chocolates
- the fire
- and phones with buttons.

I like
- oats
- lego
- cereal bars
- lindors
- thortons
- flower photos
- sweet food
- cakes
- cereal
- videogames
- retro games
- twister
- running
- type 1 diabetes
- insulin
- mario
- pasta
- parkrun
- sand
- sand dunes
- my house
- hot chocolates
- the fire
- and phones with buttons.