- from Spain
- 167 entries
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My intention is to incorporate photos of curious facts that I see or they me happen throughout the day, and to do on the same ones a commentary
e-mail.- anxogon@eresmas.com
Aug 2nd, 2007 It chooses your year.
Aug 1st, 2007 Painters or thieves?
Jul 31st, 2007 Walking to fulfill a Promise.
Jul 30th, 2007 It had me fed up !!!
Jul 29th, 2007 Raising the flight...
Jul 28th, 2007 Shortening distances.
Jul 27th, 2007 Two thousands ONE, a Field Odyssey.
Jul 26th, 2007 Looking for one Tonic-Water desperately.
Jul 25th, 2007 Ohh.., real or virtual world ?, move you!.