- from France
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I'm a Lancastrian living in Brittany, France.
- Je suis un Anglais qui vit dans la belle Bretagne, en France.
I was involved in various things: local Biodiversity Society; local Sustainability Group; Basingstoke cycling group, former Village Parish Councillor; County Linux User Group, Op Read more...
I'm a Lancastrian living in Brittany, France.
- Je suis un Anglais qui vit dans la belle Bretagne, en France.
I was involved in various things: local Biodiversity Society; local Sustainability Group; Basingstoke cycling group, former Village Parish Councillor; County Linux User Group, Open Rights Group and anything technical, until Brexit forced me to leave my home and I'm now a refuge in France.
- J'ai été impliqué dans diverses choses jusqu'à ce que Brexit me force à quitter ma maison et je suis maintenant un refuge en France.
I believe in openness and fairness and sometimes my politics leak into my blips.
- Je crois passionnément à l'ouverture et à l'équité et il arrive que ma politique s'immisce dans mes pensées.
Oct 9th, 2011 Percy The Peacock
Sep 25th, 2011 Saint Mary's Church Overton
Sep 24th, 2011 Caged Tree
Sep 11th, 2011 Three Trees
Sep 2nd, 2011 Dahlia in Paris
Sep 1st, 2011 detail on Brioude Cathederal
Aug 31st, 2011 The Vaulted Ceiling Of Brioud Cathedral
Aug 30th, 2011 Roof Tops
Aug 28th, 2011 Rowan Tree