Female, Middle-aged, Photography fool.

Yes I think that about covers me my life.

Have just completed 2 photography courses (awaiting results). I have applied and will be starting a degree in September for Digital Photography.

They say Life begins at 40.

I may be interesting to watch grow (phot

Female, Middle-aged, Photography fool.

Yes I think that about covers me my life.

Have just completed 2 photography courses (awaiting results). I have applied and will be starting a degree in September for Digital Photography.

They say Life begins at 40.

I may be interesting to watch grow (photographically, not in terms of physical size. Although I have put a few pounds on lately) I have so much inside, yet have not found the direction I wish to travel within my photographs. I am finding this most poo frustrating! However, given proverbial time, myself now a furry caterpillar will emerge into a beautiful moth butterfly.

So thank you for looking at my Images.
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