I work with a camera, nothing fancy, appraising homes. The camera has become a constant in my life. In this way, I have discovered it. My little Kodak Digital. I work alot, raise 2 little kids, try to cook healthy meals, get a bit of exercise. That kind of thing. Normal stuff. I have a love fo Read more...

I work with a camera, nothing fancy, appraising homes. The camera has become a constant in my life. In this way, I have discovered it. My little Kodak Digital. I work alot, raise 2 little kids, try to cook healthy meals, get a bit of exercise. That kind of thing. Normal stuff. I have a love for beauty, poetry, oddity. I don't consider myself creative, as much as I am just curious, and open, and am interested in sharing the world around me. This project appeals to the dairist in me, the girl who writes to keep herself grounded, in the now.

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