Why a Tattie Bogal? The beginning!

The idea to hold a Tattie Bogal came in 2011 from Lesley Hellon who, amongst a host of other roles, was the Chair of the Minginish Community Hall Association until May 2012 and leads the Minginish Youth Club, Youth Space. She is ALWAYS coming up with ideas for ac Read more...

Why a Tattie Bogal? The beginning!

The idea to hold a Tattie Bogal came in 2011 from Lesley Hellon who, amongst a host of other roles, was the Chair of the Minginish Community Hall Association until May 2012 and leads the Minginish Youth Club, Youth Space. She is ALWAYS coming up with ideas for activities for the young and not so young in the Community and this was no different. She wanted to come up with something to bring all ages of the Community together and to engender some Community Spirit which she certainly achieved as the numbers of Scarecrows around Minginish in 2011 just grew and grew! It started with a Workshop in June where around 40 Bogals were created by those who attended. Once they got these home and erected outside their houses, they looked so fantastic that people who were unable to attend the workshop started creating their own Bogals until there were over 100 in all dotted along the Minginish route!
That was 2011, Now we are in the 2013 Tattie Bogal Festival

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