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I generally shuttle between work and family organisation, with necessary slumping in front of the TV and wine drinking in between. Blip has been a tremendous surprise to me, photography is not really anything I have considered before outside taking pictures of the kids. You will see from most of my Read more...
I generally shuttle between work and family organisation, with necessary slumping in front of the TV and wine drinking in between. Blip has been a tremendous surprise to me, photography is not really anything I have considered before outside taking pictures of the kids. You will see from most of my journal it hasnt actually progressed that much - I have a new fancy dan Canon DSLR which I am (very) slowly working out how to use. But no hurry, I love it here and am not planning to leave anytime soon!
Feb 17th, 2014 t
Feb 16th, 2014 I am calling spring is here....
Feb 15th, 2014 You can run but you can't hide......
Feb 14th, 2014 Masterclass
Feb 13th, 2014 Clear
Feb 12th, 2014 Very grey and very wild
Feb 11th, 2014 New zombie game video thing
Feb 10th, 2014 Two things
Feb 9th, 2014 List of stuff I did today.....