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Photographer, foodie, proud Bradfordian, cat lover. Married to a pretty amazing guy (who is very patient when modelling for me and features quite a lot here!).
I mainly shoot on digital cameras professionally and on instant film for fun. But that's not set in stone.
Determined to do a 365 pro
Photographer, foodie, proud Bradfordian, cat lover. Married to a pretty amazing guy (who is very patient when modelling for me and features quite a lot here!).
I mainly shoot on digital cameras professionally and on instant film for fun. But that's not set in stone.
Determined to do a 365 project in 2015. Successfully completed a 365 project in 2015, now not so worried if I happen to miss a day, although I’ve only missed two to date I think.
Aug 26th, 2016 Sleepy boy
Aug 25th, 2016 Catching up again...
Aug 24th, 2016 Morning Gloryville Manchester
Aug 23rd, 2016 Eggs
Aug 22nd, 2016 A cat's life!
Aug 21st, 2016 Boring pic, but exciting for me!
Aug 20th, 2016 Food and fun!
Aug 19th, 2016 Change of plan...
Aug 18th, 2016 Emergency wedding recce.