- from Ireland
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Blippin' since late 2008 since Raheny_Eye joined me in the hell that was The Mistake Factory.
These days I'm at The LiftOff Factory, aka Dublin airport. I'm more likely to see big ol' trucks etc from my office than jumbo jets though.
Aug 2nd, 2010 FCEK
Jul 31st, 2010 Desperately seeking Donnacha from Tipperary
Jul 23rd, 2010 Dun Laoghaire Culture Night
Jul 21st, 2010 Desperately seeking Lolita
Jul 19th, 2010 Upper Lake, Glendalough
Jul 18th, 2010 Mmmmm..... roast pig
Jul 6th, 2010 Another random flower blip
Jul 5th, 2010 The neighbour's roses
Jul 4th, 2010 Yes, they're nice, but maybe a little overrated