- from United Kingdom
- 43 entries
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Lapurplepenguin is the off-duty identity of a Northern Irish born, London-based journalist, editor and knitwear specialist.
In her down time La Penguin likes to to take a break from the serious thinking about future media and society and such stuff to indulge two particular interests.
Although su
Lapurplepenguin is the off-duty identity of a Northern Irish born, London-based journalist, editor and knitwear specialist.
In her down time La Penguin likes to to take a break from the serious thinking about future media and society and such stuff to indulge two particular interests.
Although superficially different knitting and sabre fencing share some surprising common traits (apart from getting you odd looks on the train) - storage requirements, specialist kit, strange languages and of course the pointy objects.
Feb 5th, 2013 Reverse of vintage clothing can be as beautiful
Feb 4th, 2013 the start of yummy casserole
Feb 3rd, 2013 The 2013 6 nations knitting challenge begins
Feb 2nd, 2013 dinner, wine, friends
Feb 1st, 2013 It's work - honest
Jan 31st, 2013 Remembering Mr Hadley
Jan 30th, 2013 Treasure trove - thinking about what to make
Jan 29th, 2013 knitting & beer by candle light
Jan 28th, 2013 Evening at British museum