I am a dynamic figure, often scaling buildings, climbing mountains and crushing icy boundaries. I have been known to remodel airports on my travels, reorganize cities in my lunch breaks, making them friendlier and more accessible to Aliens. I write award-winning symphonies and Pullitzer prize novels Read more...

I am a dynamic figure, often scaling buildings, climbing mountains and crushing icy boundaries. I have been known to remodel airports on my travels, reorganize cities in my lunch breaks, making them friendlier and more accessible to Aliens. I write award-winning symphonies and Pullitzer prize novels. I enchant Presidents with my poetry but cannot manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I walk over water for months in a row but I do not perform miracles for free. I woo men & women with my sensuous and waiflike trombone playing. I cook 30-minute meals in twenty minutes and I teach 90-day language courses in 1 light-year.

I am an expert in Origami, a veteran in Love, a fanatic for Chocolate and an outlaw in Nicaragua. When I'm bored I build large spaceships in my backyard. I am an abstract Artist, a concrete Analyst, a cut-throat Negotiator and a ruthless Pirate. Critics worldwide swoon over my original line of corduroy underwear. I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. My incredible vegetables have earned me fame in international horticultural circles. Children trust me, Governments don't. I sleep once a week; when I do sleep, I sleep in a tree. The laws of physics do not apply to me. I'm virtual and yet I can feel and touch. I'm a polimath, polyglot, one-dimensional polymorphic, polyamorous and sometimes rolly-poly :-)

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