about me: I believe that everybody is a human in the end, even our heroes are and so they make mistakes too.
I believe that in a democracy you don?t need to shut up, so speak up.
I believe that knowledge in not power it's a cosmic ray gun.
I believe that conflicts can be resolved by dialogue an Read more...
about me: I believe that everybody is a human in the end, even our heroes are and so they make mistakes too.
I believe that in a democracy you don?t need to shut up, so speak up.
I believe that knowledge in not power it's a cosmic ray gun.
I believe that conflicts can be resolved by dialogue and it should be the first mean.
I believe that we have to think beyond caste, creed, religion and boundaries and shun our prejudices.
I believe that world peace is a term that should be banned from usage in beauty pageants.
I believe that corporations rule the world so social entrepreneurship is the way forward.
I believe that an ordinary man on the street does not know what is cooking in the higher echelons.
I believe that education does not come from acquiring a number of degrees.
I believe that everybody makes mistakes and we should accept them.
I believe that truth is not obvious and should be sought by every individual.
I believe that we can live in perfect harmony by respecting every individual?s point of view.
I believe that opinions may differ but facts remain facts.
I believe that the litmus test of globalization lies in the free movement of Human Resources.
I believe that the narratives of history laid down to us are by people who win a war; the other half is seldom exposed.
I believe that humanism should be taught in schools and colleges as a regular course (HU-101) and not as an optional one.
I believe that social obligations of a person are way beyond the acceptance of the term.