Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


Spent the morning catching up on phone calls that were not made last week as the kids were off. Did a bit of job hunting, had an early dinner and set off to the school I do some tutoring at. When I arrived it was suspiciously quiet for lunchtime and I knew before even ringing the buzzer to be allowed in that I'd arrived on a PD day!! These things always happen to me!! Lol.

Anyway that gave me a free afternoon to go and have a walk through the Quarry Park in town to try and get a decent photo for today's blip. I've decided I might do a theme about interesting things to see in the beautiful town where I live (Shrewsbury), but my favourite photo was of this gull. I think it's a Mediterranean Gull after having a quick look in my birdwatcher's book but they all look pretty similar so I'm sure somebody out there will know the correct name for it. I took 3 or 4 lovely pictures of different birds by the River Severn and I really need to set up a Flikr account to put the other pics into. I think I'll leave the interesting places in Shrewsbury theme until the weather brightens up a bit because places always look better in the sun!

Off to pick the kids up from school in a bit, they'll be surprised to see me there, that's for sure!

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