Organised chaos

By Allsorts

Chocolate bunnies

Secound counselling session today. Must say prefered this one to last week. Still kinda weird and not sure if it'll help but I'll just have to stick with it and see where it goes.
Just to reassure you all I'm not completely mental. I know my last few posts have had a counselly way about them but I promise that they won't always.
In the intrest of becoming more possitive I will try to tell you guys good things everyday!

Three possitive things:

1) I have booked church, reception, photographer and sort of the band for our wedding!!
2) It is finally sunny today and my solar powered plant is bobbing away at the window (It's sad how happy the silly thing makes me).
3) I have chocolate bunnies, a big cup of tea and the rest of the day to myself!

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