
By shutterbugsue

Female Bluebird

I finally got a blip of the female Bluebird. She is of lighter color and a smidge larger looking than the male. I got several really good shots but I liked this one because she was all wet. It hit the 80 degree mark today and all the birds came for a bath around three thirty.
Also shot another male Bluebird and he looked like a Western Bluebird. Markings were different I'm going to check out the bird book and see if maybe it is a juvenile. Just found out it is not a Western Bluebird it is a Northern Parula. I have now seen three birds in the last two days I have never seen in my life. Cedar Waxwing, Northern Parula and a White-Eyed Vireo it has eyes just like a human with blue eyes.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Here's hoping for a good week.

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