Oh, crop!

By iShoot


When at first, you spoke,
before our eyes ever met,
it kindled a spark within my heart,
which burns ever so warmly yet.

Something in your manner,
something in the sound of your voice,
opened wide the doors to my heart,
and it seemed, I had no choice.

Every day, that we've shared together,
every day, that we've been apart,
I have kept you tucked away safely,
in the deepest corners of my heart.

My first concern each morning,
is to know that you're all right.
And my last thought, before I go to sleep,
is of you, each and every night.

As when we first walked together,
and ever since our love began,
I cling to your every promise,
as I steadily hold onto your hand.

You have never walked ahead of me,
You have never placed me far behind.
It is by your side, that I continue to walk,
as we stroll through our journeypaths divine.

We have crossed many rivers together,
None have been only "mine".
Because we share each step, and breath, we take,
You truly are My Forever Valentine.

Sandra Lewis Pringle

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