Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Maybe one day.....

The view across the field of this cairn, was too ravishing to miss. The peak you can just see blipping up on the horizon is Ben Vorlich, and I keep promising myself I'll start climbing hills again.

My parents were up today to see Miss J asit is her 4th birthday this week. I'd asked Dad to bring up his camera, an EOS 30d, so I could have a play with it, but I actually preferred this shot with my little Powershot.

Just goes to show, the camera is really only as good as the eye, and I only had about half an hour to play with his camera, and a relatively wieldy Tamron long lens, in fading light. Therefore I couldn't quite get the hang of it as fast as I had hoped. However, I have to say, more of my shots with it today were in focus than his!

And if you think you have seen these before, you have,
However was working today and the lateness of my arrival home was due to me playing midwife again, a lovely litter of 9 Retriever pups, of which number 7 needed a little bit of assistance to arrive.

A satisfying day, but unfortunately for you animal fans, I omitted to photograph the pups, as by the time we had mum sorted out, it was getting on for well past closing time, and we were all still trying to clean up the surgery.
(having babies is a messy business!)

Anyway, it was a lovely day, and I hope you guys all had as rewarding a weekend as me...............

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