Who knew?

By InOtherNews

The Quiz

The highest score out of 30 was 13..... methinks I set the questions too hard. These are the teams answer sheets, with most the answers on show right. Many people thought Freebird by Lynard Skynard was an Elton Jon track, and a few got Don't Look Back In Anger and John Lennons Imagine mixed up. Quite easy seeing as Oasis spent the nineties ripping off Beatles tracks.

Apart from the quiz I've been a busy bee. Went for a mooch around the woods with Ross and Tara but the weather set in and we got piss wet through. Cooked a Sunday Roast as well which was an effort. Dad came over, Mum ate with us, and all action Sunday. I'm now in my chair wondering how I get out of clearing the kitchen up after the meal. In twenty minutes Kirky and Zana are popping over for a Sunday Showdown (game of FIFA for the trophy). Good times.

I found time to see another mate as well, drop a big ass bulb and some compost off. I don't know what he wants it for though. Maybe into big tomatoes.

So got a busy week of grafting ahead of me. I managed to secure some funding for an ex offender looking to get back into work, got to go meet him first thing tomorrow and get him signed up. Felt quite good to be helping someone who had lost their way but wanted to get back into the rat race. I got a lot of satisfaction from it, and it is unusual for me to derive satisfaction from anything other than chilling out or watching City.

Planning a couple of trips this year, going to stay on a nature reserve in Norfolk with R n T in late March. I've also had in suggested by (I can't be asred to link, but look him up if you haven't already) RtCph that I plan a trip to Symi Island in September. At present RnT are interested as well so that could happen.

Tuesday Lincoln play (for definite this time) and Friday is Darrens funeral (which I can't attend having mistakenly taken this Friday just gone off by accident). It's a pity that seven days ago I believed both to be in the week just gone. I'm fairly sure I'm cracking up, I half expect to find my slippers in the fridge or realise I'm cleaning my teeth with the toilet brush. It is a concern but I tend to rely on the 'working too hard' excuse. That and stress are a winner, you can blame anything on either.

Been weak on the commenting recently but I have two good reasons. The first reason is that my internet connection is rubbish and can't be trusted to flick through browsers and load pictures. I can't remember the second right now, but I had it in mind earlier. It was something to do with my house..... dunno. If it comes to me I'll put it tomorrow. If not I'd advise not losing any sleep over it.

I tell you what I do lose sleep over: farmers throwing away odd shaped veg because the supermarkets won't buy them. Odd shaped veg is like healthy spaghetti shapes in sauce. With the veg though quite often it can be anything you want from a phaser gun to distorted genitalia. Supermarkets are removing the possibility of me consuming something shaped a bit like two penises fused at the base.


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