In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Under the Sea

A weekend in Osaka.
Over priced theme park stress: check!
Aquarium visited: check!
Used to be the world's largest ferris wheel a few years ago but not now by a long shot ridden: check!
Meals in restaurants we don't have in Hiroshima: check!
As many tourist attractions done as possible: check!
90 degree bows of apology on 3 occasions for daughter's leaving of personal items in various places throughout the trip: check!
Cost of a small nation spent on crap souvenirs and even more crap food: check!
50% of trip time spent waiting in queues of one nature or another: check!
Shinkansen back to Hiroshima missed: check!

Jaw dropping awe at the sheer scale and variety of life forms that live above and below the surface of our oceans: check!!

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