
Quick blip tonight, as I need to get to bed. Big day tomorrow, our office now has power, water, internet, and cold beer. It's ready for habitation.

Anyway, the plan for the day was to shovel sand from the liquefaction, but several events got in the way ...

First up was the realisation we needed a proper toilet. As you do. So I built this outdoor wonder. Actually, it's a bit of a bang up job, but vastly superior to the previous model (bucket). You guessed it, we still have no water.

And then I was on my way to the office and possible shovelling, wheelbarrow and spade in car, when I had to head home again. Adam had fallen off the rope of my new shower/pulley system and banged his head. Had to go to hospital for observation.

So I worked from home and did what I could to help get the office connected, one of our team shot in to confirm power was on, and get us online. Brilliant.

Adam duly arrived home, around 5.30, declared Ok, but still needing to watch him. So my turn, out to the office. Picked up all the broken things, cleaned, did dishes, got all rubbish ready to go, and checked the internet connection. Got home at 8.30, but we're all ready.

Looks like most people will continue working from home however. Lots of friends and family to support, and many roads are still in a bad way.

But I have to say again ... What an amazing city we have here. Every day you see more change. Roads being repaired, bridges, electricity on, water - absolutely incredible given the damage. So many fabulous people, working so hard to get the city back on its feet.

Two words for them all. "Thank you!"

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