
By mollyblobs

Eye to eye with a toad

Tonight I nearly didn't manage a blip. Chris and I have been at an Ecology Groups conference all day, with very limited scope for photography, even though I did take a camera just in case. It was good to meet up with old friends and hear some interesting talks, though I realise I'm just not designed to sit and listen all day - I would have preferred more activity and workshops really.

By the time we arrived home the sun had gone and I felt drained of energy. Nothing in the house seemed inspiring, not even the cats and dogs who can usually be relied on in an emergency. Pete put the moth trap on, in the hope that something would come along to be photographed, but so far its been a fruitless exercise and it's getting colder and windier out there.

So I've resorted to a photograph of a pet with a difference. Chris has always been fond of reptiles and amphibians, and during his teens kept a variety of snakes, lizards and toads in his bedroom. The toads have proved to be the longest-lasting, having survived for about seven years so far, although they can live for up to fifteen years .

He currently has a pair of fire-bellied toads and a pair of Egyptian green toads, They're surprisingly easy and interesting pets, soon become used to humans and enjoy being hand fed with crickets. One of the things I particularly like about the green toads is their amazing eyes - just beautiful!

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