Park bribe.

Wanted to get ahead in my Avon orders this campaign so decided to pop out and deliver some books today, the children had to come with me and as it was going to involve a lot of walking I promised them we would go to the park at the top of the hill. All the way there every two minutes Jack would ask "are we at the park now mummy?" They had a great time once they got there and they deserved it as the three of us had quite a horrible experience on the way.
Archie quite often follows us where we go and today was no exception, infact today is the furthest he has gone with us and I thought that he was going to walk my whole round. Horribly though about half way up the hill an eldery man opened his gate and let out his german sheperd, off it's lead. It flew towards myself and the children, shot past and attcked Archie. It managed to pin him down twice with fur flying everywhere and the dog snarling and snapping. Archie managed to get away a 3rd time and escape through a hedge with the dog deperately trying to get through as well. The man meanwhile was pleasantly calling it with no authority or command in his voice. I did my best to hide the childrens faces from what was happening and keep them safely out the way. They still saw too much though. The dog finally came away and ran to it's owner who hurried it indoors without a word to us. When I ran to where Archie had fled I couldn't see him but could hear him mewing. I phoned Darren to come and help and we found him in someones garden shaken up but amazingly mainly unharmed. He does have cut up paws where he has scrambled to get free and I would think he is a bit sore but other than that he seems fine. Darren brought him home in the car and I decided to continue with the children to give them the fun I had promised.
One of Archies 9 lives has definately been lost. Erin bless her hasn't stopped talking about it all afternoon so I hope that she is going to be ok around dogs now. It was scary for me as an adult and this dog was about the same height as the children.

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