the other one

By theotherone

my love is like a red, red light saber

the other one went for burns nicht supper roon at tricky and iwona's its was affa braw. supper consisted of haggis, veggie haggis, mashed tatties, carrots and neeps. pudding was irn-bru sorbet supplied by little nicola followed by a cheese board. this was washed down with copious amounts of red wine and whiskey.

the light saber has very little to do with rabbie burns but the other one is sure he would have approved of star wars and light sabers.

my love is like a red, red light saber
newly sprung in june
and i will go on killing you
till a the seas gan dry (rabbie burns 2008)

after a terrible attempt at playing articulate the other one went home very drunk and very happy.

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