A chef's day...

By chef

Half full or half empty?

Pie night again tonight. I had someone else make the pies yesterday and they all stuck. So in the bin they went and it was an 8am start today to make them again and this time I made them myself. Pie night is getting very popular, so half full for that one. But making and serving pies is soooo time consuming and boring, half empty for that one :-( I'm getting very fed up with them especially as they don't even bring me a lot of money..

There, moan over and it's my 100th tomorrow, co-incidentally also the anniversary of me leaving Holland 16 years ago! It won't be long now before I have spent half my life outside of Holland. I still feel Dutch though, I think that never goes! Maybe my heart is orange!!

Oh and this beer was left over from making the beer batter for fish and chips. Another one of my culinary joys!

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