
By anni

Girls' favorite

This morning the world was all frosty and therefore my camera full of sunny frost photos. There's already some beautiful frost photos out there in blip today so I decided to go for my girls' absolute favorite subject! All the kids had a little horse ride on Thursday night but we haven't done any longer ones. We also could try some dog sledging on a lake. The route was lit by lanterns, otherwise it was just darkness and the stars on a bright freezing cold night. Kids were thrilled again!

The weather has been quite cold so far! Most of the kids outdoor program has been changed to indoor plays. I've threatened the cold my self a little bit, done some snowshoeing, xc skiing and camera walks. I only can take photos for a short time, then I have to walk my fingers and myself warm before stopping another time. So I planned me stages like lake - photos - frosty trees by the track - photos - Iceland horse stall - photos etc. And still my fingers were getting numb in -18C. Tomorrow is supposed to be better, though, but likely no sun.

Still another straight from the camera and not sure of the quality as I can't see it properly. So I may change it later to another one from the same horse...

Yesterday backblipped.

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