Careing about each day

By caremann

Is it spring already???

This morning I went into the barn to feed the cats and get my container I had left there yesterday, and I was surprised to hear some tiny little meowing. Looking in the corner box I saw three little kittens together in a huddle. I scooped them up and brought them inside - one was meowing and the other two were very cold to touch, but still moving. I got out our cat basket and some old blankets and settled them in there. I found the mother cat and brought her inside. I was going out for the day, so I settled them in their new home in our breezeway and was wondering how many kittens would be there when I got home. I was happy to see that the two cold kittens survived and they also had a fourth addition to their family. So I guess our fat cat was indeed pregnant as well. Our cats never have kittens in the middle of winter like this - I guess she was hoping spring was coming sooner.

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