Concentrating on

the task of keep track of our score in the quiz, as the marking was being done.

Apparently, quizzes have gone all organised now, with the answer sheet having a carbon copy so when you hand yours over to be marked, you can keep a copy and keep track of your own score - no more quibbling over incorrect marking then.

Thanks to Kieran, Helen and Derek for keeping me entertained this evening. Was nice to go out mid-week and to catch up with my top mate as well. I miss him during the holidays.

I resisted the urge to take a photo of the intense discussions that took place over some of the questions. I'm not making the mistake of blipping Kieran again - it will result in another unflattering shot of my arse end if I do!

We thought we had done badly, having flunked Round 1 and 3. However, after some debate within the camp about an answer, Kieran wrote it down - it could have been our undoing, as that answer might have wiped our score for the round. As it happened, it secured the round with full marks and 5 bonus points. Well argued Derek!

Ended up as a tie-breaker - Kieran was despatched as he is the font of all knowledge.

So, who knows when McDonald's introduced the McChicken Sandwich?

Kieran was closest, so our team won - I didn't contribute much...but it was fun even so.

Right, must go - need to check train times for tomorrow and get organised. One camera or two is the question?

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