
C snapped this with my camera at 06:18 this morning! It happens later every morning, the season's changing rapidly now!! ;-(

It is quite cooler at night now, a lovely breeze touching my skin through my bedroom window every night!! What a relief, the days are still really hot though!

Our dear friends from Zambia is visiting for a few days, they will fly out to the UK on Monday night, and will peep in again en route back from England to Zambia in just over three weeks! I took them to Acacia today, to fetch her new passport as well as mine, which was due to be renewed as well, and then we went to the British Embassy to apply for her visa for their visit to the UK, her hubby doesn't need one though, he is a British Citizen.

We had a lovely evening together tonight, they showed us pictures of their beautiful farm in Zambia! The vegetation is just simply breathtaking!! They have the most amazing birdlife on their farm! Ahhh, everything is só beautiful, you can't imagine what it's like if you haven't seen it! I am trying to convince her to join Blipfoto, in order for you all to see it!!

They are working só hard, doing wonderful work in the community, they are running a scholarship project for the children of their farmworkers, they are working, on contract, for a big mining group, writing training material and procedures, and developing their farm, which was only a forest when they moved there two years ago! Two amazing people!!

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