Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

The Outsider Musician

Today the promised sunshine arrived and at lunch time I went out for a walk round town. I came across a group of 3 lads complete with electric guitars, microphones and amps busking in the street. They were good so I stopped to listen as did a few others.

Along came this shambling little guy and stood in front of them in the space between the group and the small crowd. He swayed in that way that those who have breakfasted on Buckfast or lunched on strong lager do.

After he few moments he decided that he wanted to join the group and somehow got his hands on a microphone. The lads, to their credit, were very respectful towards him and let him lead them in a couple of Beatles numbers. The growing crowd clapped at the end of each one. He suggested a few Motown songs but the lads didn't know them so then he announced that he would make up a song told them what chords he wanted them to play.

From somewhere deep inside him came what I can only describe as the most beautiful prayer set to music that I have ever heard. It came from his very soul. He sang of joy and sorrow, he sang of hope and despair, he sang of good and evil, he sang of love. Everyone there was spellbound by the words that came from this man. Everyone there was moved. As he finished his song he moved closer to the microphone and said slowly and very quietly "That was me, that was me."

And with that he shuffled off with great dignity, head bowed and with a slight smile around his lips. The crowd clapped and people shook his hand and hugged him as he made his way past them. It is a moment that I will never forget.

There are some more images here.

Definition of outsider music.

In other news today my cousin gave birth to a son.

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