Go To Bed

Comparing this to the incredibly similar blip I did on September 1st. Subtle but incredibly lovely differences. We could play a game and you could guess what has changed...or I can just tell you!

My butt pillow because that chair is so uncomfortable.
The coffee machine Granny and Papa bought me. (Which I'm currently making use of...hazelnut coffee brewing!)
The piglet picture Amanda drew me, the cute letter CousinGlenn wrote me, and the lion Stine's mommy sent me.
Then we have a new Audrey picture on the calender.
My Matt Ryan picture next to my bed.
If you look real close above my buttpillow you can see my box of letters :)
And then of course my pink stool that guests may sit on.

In Communications in Society the other day we were talking about how if you were sending your mother a picture of your room you wouldn't leave your beer bottles lying around and you'd clean up a bit. Alas I had no beer bottles but I will admit that my fourth of the room didn't look like this twenty minutes ago.

Well, I apologize for the extremely boring and quite repetitive blip. But I know you will all forgive me.

"Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from."
-Al Franken "Oh, the Things I Know"

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