
By magpie


Took a bit of exercise after work to encourage fatigue, lower blood pressure and keep off the kilos by way of a pounding around the squash court. I'm no squash player and I'm no glutton for punishment either; the whole experience made me feel quite ill so I bowed out before it was too late.

I am, however, a glutton for grub and it was straight from the squash court to a large pizza establishment with a couple of pals. Now that's more like it.

This cheery song was being played by Radcliffe and Maconie on the way home and made me smile. That too was wiped off my face on my return home when I saw the chaos and mayhem left by our dodgy builders who have been repairing the snow-ruined balcony. I still have some rage left after Broadand-gate; heads will roll once again tomorrow.

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