Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic


Made me smile when I saw this blip yesterday. I do like Marmite, but not quite enough to eat it from the jar with a spoon!

My favourite way to eat Marmite is with cheese - not something I'd thought of putting together until we went in Starbucks one day and saw their Marmite and Cheese Panini - delicious. And then I found these little mini Marmite cheeses - they come in a little net of 6 and I usually have some in the fridge now. They have quite a strong taste but even though they're not very big, they are quite filling.

So if you like Marmite, give them a try, I get them from Tesco. And if you hate Marmite...well you probably didn't get this far down the page, and you won't be buying them anyway ;o)

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