A trip to the Dump!

Not much going on here....except we did have to take a run to the local dump and recycling depot. We don't have garbage pick up out this way, so we have to take all our crap to the depot in Baddeck. It is also the place where you return beer, wine and other beverage type bottles....for a refund! Today's yeild was almost $12.....this usually goes towards the next beer trip! but insteady, we took ourselves to the 'Bean There' cafe and had a treat!

The other interesting thing that happens at the dump is the composting area...which is huge and is always a hive of activity. You can very often find quite a few eagles hanging around, so it offers a great opportunity to get a little closer than usual. But today, it was mostly ravens and seagulls....we spotted one eagle but it was too far off to get a close enough shot of!

i loved the activity as this swarm of birds came flying out of the shed!

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