
By Poppy


Tiggy turned up at the house as a stray several years ago, but it took no time at all to tame him. We put out food for him when we saw him hanging about the place, looking thin and miserable. Eventually he began to trust us and came to join the other six we had then!

Unfortunately he has FIV, the feline equivalent of HIV, so we can't introduce any other cats to the house while we have him. He is neutered and doesn't fight with the others so there isn't a problem just now, and although he has been living with them for several years, none of the others have tested positive for FIV.

He is fit and healthy and his main hobbies seem to be sleeping and eating and looking to provoke the other cats or Ollie into play fights. He and Ollie frequently share Ollie's bed and get on really well. He is no bother at all and I hope he continues in good health for many more years!

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