Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

What's That I See?

Oh the irony :)

Confined to home today as the old eye was pretty horrid. Felt as if I had been out on the razzle when I woke up this morning - thats what the heavy duty anti-histamines seem to do to me

A low key day of doing nothing more strenuous than dozing in front of day time tv. It also has that affect on me :)

Around 4pm some strange blue patches appeared in the sky. Felt they were worth a blip for their rarity value. To the fore is my neigbour's tree. I have been told many times what it is - it has a lovely pink blossom in winter and early spring. My CRAFT like brain thinks it may begin with an "H" but will go no further at this moment in time. I am sure I will have the answer before the night is out.

Oh and it might/might not look better viewed large?

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