
By dancoby

I have two of these vases both different. Mr dc and I got them on our honeymoon 8 1/2 years ago in Tunisia. They are made from one piece of wood and they are our only souvenir from that holiday. I remember it was absolutely boiling (we went in August) but it was delightful to be able to relax and not have to think about the wedding anymore!!
There was one small problem, actually two, the first being that we were in a twin bedded room and secondly that the hotel we were in was FULL of kids, kids clubs here, kids clubs there. Don't get me wrong, i now have two of the little beauties and think kids clubs are a good idea but NOT FOR A HONEYMOON!
Therefore ever since I have been planning my second honeymoon, the only thing i've got to wait for now is for the kids to grow up so i don't have to worry about leaving them behind.........any ideas on where to go gratefully received!! (I'm hoping the Malidives will still be there in ten years.....)

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