Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Odey in Bird Blip Shocker!

- Yes, this is my journal
- No, I haven't gone mad
- Yes, I do know I've posted a bird blip
- No, I have no idea what type of bird it is
- Yes, I know it's only just in focus. Sort of. If you squint.
- Yes, I'm having serious doubts about posting this rather than the lovely bit of grim that I photographed and indeed may well change this photo
- No, I didn't use a tripod (hadn't intended to blip a bird)
- Yes, this will be my one and only bird blip.

I told you I'd lost my mojo....

ps: I truly am in awe of those of you who manage to take good photos of these things - they're too fast for me!

pps: Can someone send a restorative cuppa tea to Longshanks and a G&T to Lawrie who will, no doubt, be in shock ;-)

If anyone wants to see one of the alternatives for today, I've put it on my blipfolio. (and no, that's not selective colouring, just a blue pallett against a grey wall)

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